Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG GMO OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG <---teehee, which one is different?

I and my friend Sophia, officially, have a departure date to Japan!! We will be on a plane to Tokyo on June 21st!! Sophia and I will be going to the same language school together in Tokyo but we will be staying in different areas outside of the city. I will be staying in Kanagawa with my. . . . . . . . OFFICIAL HOST FAMILY!!!!

I have a host father named Atsushi Mitamura, a host mother named Yumi Mitamura, a 10 year old host sister named Saki Mitamura, and an 8 year old host brother named Kosei Mitamura. I haven't recieved my host family packet yet so I don't have any pictures of my family yet but I do have my host mother's email address and I just sent out an email to her. I can't wait to hear from her!!!

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