Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Okay, so we all know I live in New York, and New York is the (not very) happy home of regents!! Regents are tests you take at the end of the year after finals, and let me make this clear now, they are not fun. Anyways, my friend Sophia (also going on the Japan summer program) was looking online at the regents testing dates, and our departure dates. She discovered that our leaving will conflict with a few regents, one of which, the earth science regents. We're both taking earth science this year and we were less than excited to find out that we may have to take the regents when we get back in August or even next January. However, recently, we found the way out of this mess, and no it's not moving out of New York, although that was my plan. We realized that if there are regents in January, why don't we see if we could get into the earth science regents now? Turns out, we could! So last Monday Sophie and I both signed up to take it, today (Wednesday). Now to some people though, that didn't make sense. I mean, we've barely covered half the material in the course. . . Pshh! That's not important! And when I say it wasn't important, I'm serious, because we both took the regents! XD We're hoping we did relatively alright on it, and by relatively alright I mean we hope we got a 65 or above, because there is no way we're coming back to do it again!

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