Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm Almost There!

Well sort of, or not really. I am getting pretty close to making a dent in my 'Stuff to do for AFS' list. I'm really close to getting to send in my application as well as my scholarship acceptance letter. That will make me going to Japan this summer pretty concrete. All I have left to do is to go get my blood type done, cuz can you believe it? Pretty much nothing on file has it, not even your birth certificate. Way to think things through everyone in charge of that. . . But I'll be getting my blood test done before January so I should have everything sent in before then too. I'm starting to get excited and I've been plowing through my Japanese program with Rosetta Stone, though I still don't think I'm going to get into a language class other than 'beginners'. That's alright though because I feel like I'm going to learn more from living with my host family than going to classes. Well that's all for now on this lovely(not really) snowy/rainy evening. I'll post again soon!

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