Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wisdom Teeth. . .

It's winter break! Yay! Or not. I got to get my wisdom teeth out this wonderful break, and let me tell you, I was not thrilled to get them out at all. It actually didn't end up being as bad as I thought though. I got to spend like five days laying on the couch in my family room (living room) and watch chic flicks with my mom 24/7. The worst part was only being able to eat soft foods. At first glance people would think that's great because you get all the ice cream your little heart desires. But that gets tiring really fast, especially when everyone else is eating normal, yummy smelling food. Oh well though. I've made it through and gone back to the dentist so I could get my stitches checked, and all is well! Plus he told me I can eat whatever I want now. . .FREEDOM!!!

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